Friday, September 10

"to thine own self be true"

The incompleteness doesn't always get counted with a physical proximity because I have been living without you since the time I met you. The incompleteness is when I restrict my heart from being with you.

The eyes which are mine will have a perception of their own because you  are not there to show them the light. The eyes which are yours shall release everything obscure around me.

The love that remains may become my surviving factor knowing the purity I had lost long time ago. The love you can give forever shall make me alive again.

The heart can not skip a beat as I may live for others too, they shall provide me with the basics' but the heart shall remain forsaken not hearing from you.

The motivating factors are thousands and I shall get accustomed 
I shall work to be my self again but not without hearing the voice that was making me rise up.

The time once rendered the goodness in me you were happy. The goodness shall come back again but your presence shall make it an easier triumph.

The needs can be fulfilled by the ones who are still there, needs are never ending but without you any sort of need is baseless and unwilling.

With you I see myself .
Without you its another dragged identity.

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